The turn of the year

We had a mini-heatwave at the beginning of September which brought some welcome sun and warmth. However, October turned out to be very wet indeed with many dreich and overcast days, quite unusual for this time of year here. Thankfully, we didn’t have any flooding in this part of Scotland.

There have also been some gloriously sunny days during the past couple of months and we’ve been able to get out for a few walks. The photos below are from Wideopen Hill on the St Cuthbert’s Way in mid-October. September and the first half of October were very busy B&B -wise with lots of lovely guests staying with us.

Looking north along the top of Wideopen on the St Cuthber's Way
Looking south from top of Wideopen on St Cuthbert's Way

The Border Shepherd’s Show on the first Saturday in October was well supported despite the fact that it rained all day. There were loads of competition entries in the different tents, with the gin and lime drizzle cake proving particularly popular.

We drove over to Berwick-upon-Tweed to do some shopping at the end of October and went for a short walk at Spittal beach, just south of the town. There was the most amazing amount of sea foam, as a result of the recent storms I guess, which made the waves strangely solid. They were mesmerising to watch.

Wave coming into shore
Sea foam flying towards me at Spittal beach

The leaves are changing colour fast now, and most of the trees on the village green are bare. Now that the clocks have gone back, and the temperatures are dropping, it feels like winter is just round the corner.

Cheviot Hills view at top of Calroust

We’re closed now for the winter season and will re-open at the beginning of April next year.

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