Spring is sprung

We’ve had some lovely warm sunny days over the past couple of weeks. The trees are in leaf now and the May blossom is out everywhere. The fields are intensely green this year, and everything looks very lush. The weather’s been coming from the east quite a bit lately, and the haar (sea mist) has been creeping in from the coast at night.

Yethholm Loch on a sunny day

The swifts arrived back a few days ago, following the swallows and martins earlier in the month. There are lots of martins swooping around above the Bowmont Water, but very few swallows to be seen so far this year. Perhaps the north-easterly winds of the last few weeks have put them off travelling north so far?

Looking toward the Cheviots from Cessford Castle on the St Cuthbert's Way

We’ve been very busy with B&B guests and have met lots of lovely people. Most of the people staying with us have been walkers… either on the St Cuthbert’s Way or the Pennine Way. We’re very lucky to be on these walking routes.

Looking north up the Bowmont Valley on a showery day

Recent walks have included Wideopen Hill, the top of the College Valley and up Craik Moor from Belford. We’ve also (finally) manage to dust off our bikes and go out for a couple of local cycle rides, including a trip to Yetholm Loch.

Cow parsley and intense blue sky by Anne's Seat on the Halterburn Road
Buttercups flowering on the haugh, looking towards Kirk Yetholm

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